Environment variables

These values can be set to tweak morphodict’s runtime behaviour.

You can set these environment variables directly on the command-line using the standard method for your shell. But it is common to set them in a .env file instead, where various tools will automatically pick them up.

However, all of pipenv, foreman, and our django setup will read from the .env file. These different bits of code have different rules for whether to prefer a value from the existing environment or from the .env file, and because they can set environment variables based on the .env file, they override each other’s default logic in complicated ways.

For that reason, when changing any of these values, the safest way to ensure that the changes take effect is to make the change in the .env file, exit from the pipenv shell environment, and start a new pipenv shell.


Django magical variable. This defaults to the production setting False. You should add DEBUG=False to the .env file in development.


Whether to enable the Django debug toolbar. If unset, the default depends on whether DEBUB is on, and whether the code is running on CI. Since you probably want to use debugging tools when DEBUG is on, it’s enabled if DEBUG is enabled; however, this toolbar is slow and may interfere with end-to-end tests.

Set ENABLE_DJANGO_DEBUG_TOOLBAR=False to disable it in your dev environment!

The debug toolbar is always disabled on production and in CI.


It specifies whether to use test_db.sqlite3 instead of db.sqlite3. It defaults to production setting “False”. you should add USE_TEST_DB=True in .env file.

Note: Python unit tests always use a test database.


When this environment variable is set to True, both layout files and altlabel.tsv are re-read on every page load. This is extremely convenient when editing paradigm layout or label files, as you don’t need to constantly restart the server to see the effects of your changes.


You can set this to DEBUG to see a lot more info about what Django is doing behind the scenes.


You can set this to DEBUG to have Django print out all the SQL statements it runs, for debugging purposes.