Directory structure

This is a proposal for a new physical layout of the source code in this repo, meant to replace the somewhat ad-hoc layout of early 2021, in order to:

  • Allow generalization to more languages than Plains Cree, and

  • Address some other issues that have arisen with the source code layout.

High-level decisions / assumptions

  • In the file system, dictionary applications such as itwêwina are named sssttt, where sss and ttt are each three-letter ISO 639-3 language codes for the dictionary source language and target language, respectively. Example: crkeng.

    The use of a technical abbreviation means that nobody will ever be blocked from starting a dictionary for a new language pair on on naming/branding questions.

  • There will be at most one intelligent dictionary application for each language pair. The code already supports multiple dictionary sources within one application, such as both the Cree: Words and Maskwacîs dictionaries for Plains Cree.

  • Each site will be an independently deployed django project, and have an independent database.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to having a single django process serving multiple sites, or having multiple sites share a single database; however, this proposed compartmentalization should allow reduced risk when experimenting with new languages.

  • For now, all the code for all the dictionary applications will reside in this git repo, and not be split into separate git repos.

    That will make it much easier to move code around during development, and to run tests across all dictionary applications when making changes.

    Some day, we hope, when mature and stable, morphodict could go on PyPI as its own framework package with instructions on how to set up new languages without being in this git repo. We are very far from that point right now, but it’s something to keep in mind as a long-term goal.


├── .git/
├── package.json                # dependencies for bundlers, JS/CSS frameworks
├── Pipfile
├── arpeng-manage               # django-admin scripts are at the top-level for easy access
├── crkeng-manage
├── crkfra-manage
├── libexec/                    # programs only run by other programs
├── cwdeng-manage
├── srseng-manage
├── scripts/                    # various auxiliary scripts for devs / CI
│   ├ reformat-altlabels
│   └ …
└── src/
    ├── CreeDictionary/         # existing code, eventually goes away
    │   ├──
    │   ├── API/                # this name goes away :(
    │   └── CreeDictionary/     # this goes away too
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       ├──
    │       └── …
    ├── morphodict/             # python package for language-independent code
    │   ├──
    │   ├── cvd/
    │   ├── lexicon/            # django app with primary database tables
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── management/
    │   │   │   └── commands/
    │   │   │       └──
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├──  # test_* files are mixed in with non-test source code
    │   │   └── testdata/       # Use `testdata` directories for test data
    │   ├── paradigm_filler/
    │   ├── frontend/           # The existing front-end code moves here from src
    │   │   ├── dom-utils.js
    │   │   ├── index.js
    │   │   ├── orthography.js
    │   │   ├── …
    │   │   └── css/
    │   ⋮       ├── styles.css
    │           ├── variables.css
    │           └── …
    ├── crkeng/                 # python package for itwêwina
    │   ├──
    │   ├── app/                # Django application (optional)
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── integration_tests/
    │   │   │   └── …           # tests that use resources/ of current language pair
    │   │   ├── templates/      # Django templates (overrides other apps)
    │   │   └── static/         # Static assets (Django staticfiles app)
    │   ├── cypress/
    │   │   └── …
    │   ├── docker/
    │   │   └── …
    │   ├── resources/          # Resources go here
    │   │   ├── altlabels.tsv
    │   │   ├── dictionaries/
    │   │   ├── fst/
    │   │   └── layouts/
    │   ├── site/               # Django project
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── static/         # Logos and other static assets
    │   │   └──
    │   ├── frontend/           # Not a python package; language-specific frontend files
    │   │   ├── ….js
    │   │   └── css/
    │   │       └── ….css
    │   ├── generated/          # For files generated from other files; not checked in
    │   │   ├── collected_static/
    │   │   ├── built_js/
    │   │   ├── vector_models/
    │   │   └── …
    ├── cwdeng/                 # python package for Woods Cree dictionary
    │   ├──
    │   ├── app/                # Django application (optional)
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── integration_tests/
    │   │   │   └── …           # tests that use resources/ of current language pair
    │   │   ├── templates/      # Django templates (overrides other apps)
    │   │   └── static/         # Static assets (Django staticfiles app)
    │   ├── cypress/
    │   │   └── …
    │   ├── docker/
    │   │   └── …
    │   ├── resources/
    │   │   ├── altlabels.tsv
    │   │   ├── dictionaries/
    │   │   ├── fst/
    │   │   └── layouts/
    │   ├── site/               # Django project
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── static/         # Logos and other static assets
    │   │   └──
    │   ├── frontend/           # Not a python package; language-specific frontend files
    │   │   ├── ….js
    │   │   └── css/
    │   │       └── ….css
    │   └── generated/          # For files generated from other files; not checked in
    │       └── …
    ├── arpeng/
    ├── crkfra/
    ├── cr_shared               # for code and resources shared between Cree dialects
    └── srseng/

Notes on source layout

  • The sssttt directories have parallel directory structures, containing a site python package for the django project, many python modules, but also directories for resources and frontend JS/CSS.

  • The hope for the top-level src directory containing python packages is that it makes it easier to run pytest/mypy/black across all our python code at once.

  • Python test files should be named and go in the same directory as the code they are testing. Do not create separate test directories. Tests are easier to find, update, and create when they are right next to the code they are testing, not in some other directory.

    There are arguments for and against both the and conventions; we flipped a coin and settled on

  • That said, the cypress integration tests will live in their separate cypress folders. It is likely that there will be some shared tests in morphodict/cypress that will be used by every dictionary application, in addition to dictionary-specific tests.

  • We’re not specifying a new structure for the frontend JS/CSS code here. For now, we’ll keep doing whatever we’ve been doing, only the files will be stored in directories called frontend instead of src.

    We’ll start with everything in src/morphodict/frontend but language-specific JS/CSS will eventually go in src/sssttt/frontend.

Migration procedure

This proposal does not need to be adopted all at once or block other work. Instead this proposal exists so that, when code must be moved in order to accomplish higher-level goals such as making a dictionary work for a new language, there are guidelines in place for where to move the code to. That way itwêwina development doesn’t have to be blocked on moving everything around, and development on new languages doesn’t have to be blocked as often on figuring out where code should move to and what it should be called.

This proposal is our best guess at how we can address some of the issues we’ve run into in the past, and expect to run into in the future; if something in here ends up not being workable, or causes more issues, then by all means, update this plan.

The rough idea is:

  • A crkeng directory is created for itwêwina following the new structure. It imports all the code from CreeDictionary.

  • Work on itwêwina continues in the CreeDictionary package as normal, it’s just moved into the src directory, and gets run from ./crkeng-manage

  • As we work to get parts of non-Plains Cree dictionaries working, we move code from CreeDictionary into either morphodict for language-independent stuff, or sssttt directories for things specific to certain language pairs.

    As pieces are moved out of CreeDictionary, pre-existing work on itwêwina will start to happen in crkeng and morphodict as well.

We can measure our progress somewhat by watching CreeDictionary shrink as it moves into crkeng and morphodict.


  • In Python code, prefer absolute imports to relative ones for now, as they are more explicit, and will allow us to grep for CreeDictionary.